The Journal Herald from Dayton, Ohio (2024)

JOURNAL HERALD, MONDAY. JANUARY 17. 1949 12 Bur- nard'i Catholic church In kettsville. VITAL STATISTICS VALLEY IN BRIEF Four Men Die In Week-End Sirs. Boswell Dies In Florida; Widow Of Aetna Executive Ceather Report Births In Da) ton ftlrtkt T4if terday to abide by the law and set an example for the youth of the country.

In an address at the Third district's mid-winter conference, Auto Wrecks ClrM 9 Otrll "I v. off or tj BiirMt. Jan. HJ mririAL imttiw seconds irnfmlim tin YatUrdtrt Mrt. Martha E.

Starbuck VANDAL1 A Mm. Martha Ellen Starbuck, 89, died at 3 p. m. today in a rest home at Bowers-vllle. She it aurvived by a son, Roy Starbuck; three sisters, Mrs.

E. L. Starbuck of Cincinnati, Mrs. Mi. Gara May Bosweli, 1554.

nann drlv viliinw of the late! 1 ,..4 Luciui P. BosweU, former general "M1 Fair Park avenue. Surviving p.m.. at .....54 1,M Kline i Return Snagged GREENVILLE, Jan. 16.

A legal technicality has delayed extradition of a suspect in the Cooper torture-robbery case from Misha-waka, Indiana to Greenville for at least another 48 hours. The suspect, James D. Kline, 36, Dayton, is still held in Jail at Mish-awaka. but la now under $20,000 besides Mrs. Ebbs, are four daugh State Adjutant Joseph Deutschle of Columbus said that unless those manager of the Aetna Paper company division here, died at 9:43 ters, Mrs.

Marcella Verhoff, Mrs. llf.alL.I A A fut 2 Da) tomans Included In First Traffic Death Of In Valley Boy Bo Tnu! Totol tacKtin lil KU tln. MIAMI TAl.Lff Oturht" to Mr. tn Mr. Elmer Cntnf.

0 Howtrt tUWt. (Huthtfr Mr. Jimt Tiniwt, 2335 LUniew imM. ti lm Mr. M4 Mr.

er MMdletoo. '0- Dtuihtfr to Mr. in Mr. Douclu turf ion. MOO tMyin fond.

p. m. Thunaay in Miami eeacn, mer and Irene 1, Jj Jpn rm. ia 1 41 43 11 pm 4 I a a am am am "3 la a S3 13 Mood Florida, over 21 obeyed the law there would be no chance to reduce Juvenile delinquency, The state adjutant told the Kalida; three sons. Clarence ,7 held Born Miamumirtt Qandorf mlngtoa Services will be at weU had lived In Dayton most -jgffcjj Tuesday at the NW fu- Burial will Legionnaires, meeting In the new fU.

Vmma 4Kb. The area's record of no traffic neral home at Xenia. Mr. in Mr. KnrMth WtrUnitr.

wrm nau sivic, Son Son to he wa referring specifically Wl 7: R. 3. be In Sprint Valley cemetery. Friends may call tonight at the She was a member of Second! children and five gtyt-grandchU-Trinity Lutheran church: be lea and Daughters of Liberty Glandorf. liquor and parking laws.

lived as four persons were killed in traffic accidents in Dayton TALmSrmnUM- funeral home, bond on a fugitive from Justice warrant Arrested there last Tuesday night he was held for three days on an open charge. The fugitive warrant was filed against Kline late yesterday at Mishawaka by Police Captain E. R. Hufnagle, Greenville, and the bond was fixed in the Indiana Surviving art a daughter, Mrs. Miami Valley over the week end.

Dead were: Mri. Elizabeth Barnhart DuMr to Mr. tod Mr. Clurle HooU. Son to Mr.

tnd Mr RWitrS Htrny. Hickory ttrfrt. A tery. March O) Dimei Drivel XENIA Greene county's annual March of Dimes campaign James Wt Smith, 27, of 127 pnn trv mr. ti nri narran MIAMISBURG Mrs.

Elizabeth H'AaiaMI SnilS Valley Deaths Qemmer street rw.k ia Ur and Urt. Rfftttfli Mill. Barnhart, 73, died Friday In the opened Friday, with JCenia'e act city's municipal court 4 William J. Cronln. 27, of 1346 tow home of a son, Clyde, at 106 North The extradition moves wereiing postmaster, David C.

Brad- Viola street. Northridge, Orba Marshall, and sister, Mrs. Emma M. Miller, both of Daytoa Services will be held at 2 p. m.

tomorrow in Whltmer Brothers funeral home, 239 North Ludlow street Entombment will be in Memorial Abbey mausoleum. Friends may call from to 10 m. today at the funeral home. Joel Darnhart fute. as campaign director, Ninth street after a two-year 111 stalled Friday afternoon In the of Porter J.

Burroughs, 61, of 1312 Holly avenue. Bradfute was delegated to this fice of Gov. Henry Schricker, BRANDT Funeral services for Indiana, at Indianapolis, when an role by the county's American Le- ness. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Louis Fry and Mrs.

George Cole, both of Lebanon; alx sons, Waldo E. Rhoades, 39, o( K. n. trMPlSATl'S DATA Hltheet veeterday wat SI 11 1 Lnweat reaierday aa J7 at 10 li a.a. Meen jeaterdar wae 4.

Hifheat for thlt date wai tn lr. r. Lnweat for thti data waa -I tn lilt. Year tempeiatura new 147. PBBTIPITATIOS DATA tntil toll J4 hmin endln at t.N m.

3s. Total thli month ta due I.7J. Departure from normal thli Month 111.. Nnrmal thlt month 11. T-ital thlt year to datt it.

Departure from nnrnul thb) year 1.11, Tiital laet year I fat. Oreatett total Intount thU Month 1 11 in 190t. iv, Lent tout imount thli month .11 la 1M4. OTHKB DATA ltelttlv humidiir tt 13" p.m. M.

Baromettt rtdln tt 7:30 p.m. yelttrda Barometer retdlni tt pm. ywterday 30.0. Standard llmoapherte pretaurt It nn Inchea. Pretaure above Itandard Uluallv tn-dicatpa fair weather below itandard, untettarl weather.) sunrM today lid a.m.

unaet tt- p.m. WKATHna rosrcATs Dayton tnd Vicinity Snow fiurrlet. vrtfidy tnd cold today: hlfh M. Cleaiint tnd cold tonight! low IS, Tomorrow, partly aloud tnd not to cold; hlatti W. Lower Michigan: Cloudy and much enMer with an occasional anow flurry Monday.

Tueaday pertly cloudy tnd Cold Cloudy and colder Monday witn light anow (lurries entremt north ind rain affidavit charging Kline with Joel Barnhart, 68, who died yesterday after an illness of a year, glon pot, sponsors of the to 2' 'cantown h-iu. tiHino- in th "jermaniown. drive here. Aiding Bradfute in the Burn twnu. Son to Mr.

ind Mr. Robtrt Curtll, W4 Soa to Mr. tii4 Mrt Ctrl Snwrtci. 1433 Horn ivtnue. Diuthtw to Mr ic4 Mn.

OrW MtrrU. 18SO Holl tmnue. Dhtr to Mr. tni Mn. tuwo Mf-lood.

J1U Livi move Son lo Mr. in4 Mn. Atburr Turner. DURhtfr to Mr. tn4 Mr.

Wiltrr Rod- waii. Ul Mplt itrfft. to Mr. tnd Mri. Shwmtn Blowr.

Smith, the year's first accident Clyde and Milo of Miamisburg Orville, Harveysburg; Henry, Lebanon, and twin sons, Ferman of campaign' organization are H. A. Higgins, former Xenia postmaster, chairman; Miss Vera Schneider, Osborn, secretary; Mr. Arthur L. it 77 m.

In the 7unmli home by Acacia chapter and ati't the Maple Grove German Bap-R o. m. the Dauehters of'tist church near Brandt. Burial armed robbery which had been; drawn In Greenville police court was deemed insufficient to warrant extradition, death, was injured fatally at about 7:23 a. fn, Saturday when his car skidded and struck a second car Wsynesville and Fernla of West Mlddletown.

Funeral, 2:30 p. m. on West Third street at Strand Liberty. son to Mr. tn4 Mri.

iStiaam cmnoru. i Reynolds, Xenla, vice chairman, Ridgewood Height. today in the Cerhart and Schmidt 2 Piqua Men Hurt PIQUA, Jan. 16 -Two Piqua and Earl Short, Xenia, Jpltdf avenue, I SJ ttU.1Jl will be In New Carlisle cemetery. He is survived by his wife, Mrs.

Sevllla Barnhart; li daughters, Mrs. Robert Kimmel of Dayton, Mrs, O. W. Eakman of Dayton, funeral home. Rev.

John Dichaout will officiate and burial will be in I According to Coroner P. Mc- Joe Y. Corruih Services for Joe N. Carruth, 2, Norton iwniit. DsuirMrr to Mr.

tnd Mr, lttymond Hot- ktni. 4fil WIr drlvt. gon to Mr. tnd Mrt. Fletcher Hurt.

5 BeU- rooli Xmlt. DUhtr tn Mr. ind Mrt. Terrt 90 HhI itrtet. CRAHDVIEW LEBANON Warren county's TVinald.

Smith suffered a frac men were in Memorial hospital today with serious Injuries suffered Franklin. Friends may call after annual March, of Dimes drive Is Mrs. William Murray of Coving son of Mr. and Mrs. William Car.

noon tomorrow. tured skull. He died a few minutes after being admitted to St Elizabeth hoKDltal. 1 in an early morning automobile accident ruth of 2721 Midland avenue, will 'ton, Mrs. Dallas Lavy and Mrs.

tnd Mri. Crt Woodi. 1T10 Hon hi Mr WrtMtef itreet. scheduled to get under way today and will continue through Jan. 31, Mrs, Raymon F.

Hatfield, county chairman of the county chapter of be held at 1:30 p. m. tomorrow in Earl Bowser, botn or uranar, ana Charles Richard Livingston, 26, or mow extreme anumtiiBi pnion in morn Ing. Tueaday partly cloudy, higher afternoon riHvhe nf the second. Mrs.

Glen Leedy of Eaton; five brothers; seven sisters, and eight Mri. Margaret Baker MIDDLETOWN Mrs. Margaret Baker, 81, of 2212 Winton temneraiurea weat nonion. George W. Hoffman, 348 Maiden! 0'w', mlim' Ohio: Moatiy riouay tna mucn colder with of 241 Broadway, suffered a crushed chest and Internal injuries when the car he was driving over aome rtln or anow amith tnd eaat pottlont avenue, was treated at tne nos-i ouihter to m.

Mn. wiiter smun, the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, announced today. Monday. Tueaflav moatiy Cloudy and mn. tlnued rather cold.

pital for cuts and chest injuries street, died at her residence Fri Warren county has been Kentucay: ciouoy ana inucn cnidef wttn nrcavinnal rain louthetlt nnrtlott (una turned at the south edge of town. His companion, Eugene Trostei, Police said he was not citea. day. Services will be conducted Dauihter to Mr. tnd Mri.

Jtmet Seotla, 511 Btltlmort itrwt, Mlddletown. Son to Mr. tnd Mrt. Howird Shupert. R.

ft. 9, Mltmlibiir. nate in the last year In having Surviving Smith are his wife, at the Rises uneral home at flurrlea northwest portion Monday. Tuesday considerable cloudlnesa and continued rather cold. only one case reported, although ST.

grandchildren. Stanley C. Baker EATON Stanley C. Baker, 52, died Friday night at his home, Eaton R.R. 2.

Mr. Baker had been employed as a meat cutter In sev 24, received a fractured pelvis. Condition of both men was de Edwlna; a daughter, Patricia Rae; hi parent, Mr. and Mrs. Albert 2:30 p.

m. today. Burial will be in Woodslde cemetery. Surviving Son to Mr. tnd Mrt.

Jtmet Cllne, WT Weil the society ha assisted a number Its siTirai its (Par 14 hsun preceding I p. of persons who had infantile pa scribed as "fair." Police said the accident oc 8h Low Prs. Third itreet. Son to Mr. IA4- Mri.

JtMelToehrin, 440S Colorado ivmiie. are two tons, Opa of Mlddletown 53 ralysis in former years. and John of Franklin; three Collection cans will be placed ton to Mr. ind Mri. KOltnt jump, i South Torrenc itreet.

Dauchter to Mr. tnd Mn. Jtmei Llppl, 141 curred at 2 a. m. when the driver of the car lost control after the Smith; two brothers, Aioerx jr.

and George, all of Dayton, and his grandfather, W. McKinney of Wilmington. Sprvicea will be held at 2 m. daughters, Mrs. Leona Baker, Mrs.

eral local markets before hia ill In business places in Lebanon and 2T 41 2A 49 44 41 Ofiell eourt. the Jones Brothers funeral home, 453 West Fifth street. Burial, Greencastle cemetery. Friends may call at thi funeral home after 4 p. m.

today. The child died at 3:30 p. m. Friday in Miami Valley hospital Also surviving are two brothers, William Jr. and Hillary R.

tt. Mathial Glaser Services for First Lt Mathias J. Glaser, 23, of 144 Avondale drive, who was killed in action In northeastern France, Deo, 12, 1944, will be held at 8:30 a. m. Thursday at his horn and at 9 a.

m. at Our Lady of the Rosary church. Friends may call at the residence after 4 p. m. tomorrow.

Burial, Calvary cemetery. A graduate of Chamlnade high school .21 ,19 throughout the county, and ness. Funeral services will be held at 2:30 p. m. today at the Barnes school also will take an ctlve Grace Ramsey and Mrs.

Lacie Braun, all of Mlddletown; nine grandchildren; and two brothers, Charles DeJarnette of Middle-town and William DeJarnette of 41 t. ,3 Atlanta Boston Buffalo Chicago Cincinnati Cleveland Columbui DAYTON Denver Detroit DuluOl Port Worth Indlinapolli Kanaai City Lnulavlllt Los Angelei funeral home, with Rev. R. P. Dart in the camoalen.

bi 63 43 F.7 97 to 6fl 20 55 IT en 95 1 a tomorrow at the Ullmer funeral home, 3701 West Third street, With burial at HillgrOve cemetery, Mi Mr. Hatfield emphasized the vehicle went Into a skid. Livingston was thrown clear of the car as it turned over, they reported. Livingston was pinned In the wreckage. The accident oc-cured in front of the Piqua electric plant Drain Project Backed fact there will no house-to Dtuiliter to Mr Mr.

Rttmona Henry. 41M rreudenbereer tvenue. Dtuehler Mr, tnd Mri. Clyde 0re. San to Mrt.

Thomn B6rnln, MS Syracuse trenue, Ciushter to Mr. ind Mrt. Claud Chip-man, 21 Soutn Summit Itreet. Son to Mr. tnd Mn.

Thomtl Whitfield. It. K. f. Hout road.

Son tn Mr, tnd Mri. Ort Pirlett. 113 Maiden teeniie. Dauthter tn Mr, and Mrt. Ctrl WohtleS, 529 Rmlth itreet.

fjiuihtef to Mf. ind Mri. Raymond Cum-mlnta, I Bradford itreet. .4 house canvass for donations to the amisburg. Struck By Train Cronin was killed shortly after Coad officiating.

Burial in Mound Hill cemetery. Oliver O. Ilarrii MIAMISBURG Funeral serv-ices for Oliver O. Harris, 73, who fund. -1 Cincinnati.

Mri. Effie T. Reynolds JAMESTOWN Services are he Miami T9 4 40 ia 4S 4.1 IS 4 1 34 23 28 4 41 30 34 midnight yesterday when his car was struck by the Baltimore and Mlnneapolll-St. Paul OXFORD Workers have begun the task of reaching a new goal here in the annual March of Dimes FORT LORAMlE-Civic asso ing arranged for Mrs. Effie Turner Reynolds.

59. wife of Eugene Reyn New Orleanl 77 New York 53 Oklahoma City 32 Phoenli 41 Pittsburgh 60 San FrancUco i 55 St. Loula 42 Daughter to Mr. tnd Mn. Martin snoctey, 291 1 Nane tvemie.

Daughter to Mr. tnd Mn, Thomaa Coon, campaign. ciation and other groups in i number of towns In a several died Friday, will be held it 12.30 p. m. tomorrow at the Gebhardt Schmidt funeral home and at 2:30 p.

m. at the Grlesmer A Grimm olds, who died Friday at her home and the University of Lieutenant Glaser was a member; a mile south of Jamestown, A 4736 Freudenberter tvenue, Dauthter to Mr. tnd Mri. Raymond Adlma. 731 Walton avenue In 1945 a total Of $839.75 was subscribed.

Since then the amount steadily has increased, and a year county area are contrioutlng to and declaring themselves behind Washington D. C. (4 Lowest temperature la U. Son to Mr. tnd Mri Itarmond Adarttt.

141 funeral home at Hamilton. Burial S. wu -it In a proposed drainage project in Devll'a Uke, N. D. Ohio Cincinnati-Toledo express at the Needmore road crossing.

Sheriff's deputies said Cronin apparently passed one train halted near the crossing and failed to see the second train approaching on the double track. Three other persons in the car escaped with only minor injuries. They were Louella Shade, 28; her sister, ViOla, both of 2808 Valley street, and Robert M. Davis, 27, son, Russell, lives at Pt Williams, Cordon Lindsay ago it was a record-breaking wnpie itreet. Son to Mr.

tnd Mrt. Jime Slam, ill Otfhird itreet. Hlaheat tcinperaturt tn U. 8. Wsl II.

In will be In Greenwood cemetery. Friends may call at the Geb $1,107. volving Loramie and Mile creeks. This announcement was made Miami tnd Key West, Fit. Son Mr.

tnd Mn. Jeiw Ptel. LoCuit The Oxford KiWanis club is itreet. Saturday by Mark Godttemoeller, Marriage Licenses sponsoring the local campaign MIDDLETOWN-Gordon R. Lindsay, 52, died Friday at his hardt St Schmidt funeral home after 4 p.

today, He li survived by hi wife, Mrs. Marie Harris; a sister, Mrs. E. S. Weldole of Ak Fort Loramie, farmer, president First receipts came last night, when $89 was obtained at the of the new Loramie and Mile 1riel'vlnH! ttlny Jr 19, Of 1600 Coventry road, and Duili Sulpill, 19, of 7225 ftf Creeks Improvement association Miami university-Xavier univer ron, and brother, Herbert Har a cousin, with whorti Cronin was home, R.

R. Mlddletown, or heart attack. Mri. Mary Berning alty basketball game. ris of Chicago.

MIDDLETOWN As Middle of Pershing Rifles and was awarded the purple heart for wounds received In October, 1944, as a member of the 45th Infantry division, He la survived by hlR parents, Mr. and Mrs, Rudolph Glaser; 1 brother, Robert, and three sisters, Mrs. Steve Elek, Mrs. Walter Konlckl and Mrs. William Gottschall.

Mri. Myrlie Jackson Mrs. Myrlie DeVelbis Frasier Jackson, 53, died at 8:30 p. m. Saturday at her residence, 120 Hannah street, after a long illness.

Surviving are her husband, Ralph, her father, John DeVelbis of Harrison, Idaho; daughter, Mrs. Leroy Frost: two sons, Ray b. Robert llalnei McCARTYVILLE Funeral rites town neared the $700 mark today living. Survivors Include a brother, John, and his father, Patrick, of Nanlco*ke, Pa. His body was sent to Nanlco*ke, where services and burial will take place, Hit Br Car for Mrs.

Mary Berning, 79, of Mc- in the March of Dime campaign Cartyville, who died Thursday WILMINGTON Services for Robert Haines, 43, an employe at the enthusiasm of one volunteer night in Wilson Memorial hospital, GOOD SAMARITAN Son to Mr. tnd Mn, Jamei Anderion, 0 Weiier ilreet. Sim to ind Mn. WII1W BaihaM, 114 Edison itreet. Son Mr, tnd Mn.

Marvin Armitfohi, mm ftorth deitysuurr tvenue. Twlna. dauthter and a ion to Mr. ind Mn. Donald Drummer, t49 Coventry tmti.

Son to Mr. tnd Mn. Michael Streno, 1301 Saat Second Itreet, Dauthter to Mr. tnd Mm. Marlon Hidden, Tl South Cleo itreet.

Oiuihtet to Mr. Ind Mrt. Morril Clark, 301 Llnwood itreet, Dauihtee to Mr, tnd Mn. tduli Tiller, Tellnw Sprlnn. Son-rn Mr.

ind Mrt. Vincent SubrlUty, i()S Marathon tvenue. Son to Mr. tnd Mri. Cordell Lee, 1M Salt Herman avenue.

Dauthter to Mr, tnd Mri. Jamei Slier, 14 wavne tvenue. Son to Mr. tnd Mri. Jamei 714 Valley pike.

Divorce Court Pentiums Blevlnl, Snum Dover itreet, n. Wright-Patterson Field, will be worker was brought to light when will be held at 9 a.m. tomorrow in Sacred Heart church, with held at 2 p. m. tomorrow at the Burroughs was Injured fatally he requested a new coin box Lukens Reynolds funeral home.

Homer Flaugher, a taxi driver, when he was struck by a car at 11:13 p. m. Saturday in front of the Ames theater on North Main Burial will be In Sabina cemetary. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. vcre tvenue.

Mtrtln Method ttl; dt Vln itreet, and Janet S. Methid, 21, af 180 Tultlt aa- Jo4 S. Borchen, 28, of JO Polntvlew ivehue, ind Bllllc M. Monttiut, 21, of 2032 Shaftt-bury road. Herbert Michael Kuhbander, 2.

of Ml Lincoln atreet, tnd Katherlne Clara Estep, 23, or 638 Prince Albert boulevard. Georg G. Jarnagl.l, 32, of 2215 Welt Third street, and Willie Mae Jirnagln, of 203. West Third itreet. Herbert Brlnegar, 1.

ol 401 Montgomery street and at Irene Watson, Id, of 38 Walnut atreet. Richard Led rtftlg, 11. of 40 North Cherry, wood avenue and Charlotte Let Hall, 19, of 1101 North Gettysburg tvenue, William Nlswander. 46. of 151 Salem avenue, and Marilyn P.

Fackler, 3T, of R. R. 10. Harry Clark Morgan. 92, of 441 Allwen drive, ind Judith J.

Rab, 28, of 2715 North Main George H. Frlti, Vt. of Fairfield, and Louise Roflow, 30, of 24 Eait Great Miami boulevard, Harvey Townaend, 22, of Mason itreet, and Donna Ilent Peril, 73, of 213 Cuahlni avenue. Don Warrick, 27, of Miamisburg, tnd Trei Overholser. 22, of Miamisburg.

Richard A. Sherer. 21 of jOU Rldgeway road, and Bonnie L. Moon, 18, of 113 Belle-vti' avenue Carson Cog. 32.

df 1431 ValleV atreet ant burial in St, Patrick cemetery. Everett Overholser MIAMISBURG Funeral serv i ranees M. Haines; a son, kvan street. formed expressly to promote the enterprise. A number of sportsmen's organizations previously had aligned themselves as favoring the big Job, which would involve cleaning, straightening, widening and deepening more than 30 miles of the two streams.

At Council Meeting LEBANON Lebanon's street commissioner and city solicitor are scheduled to be appointed when the village council holds an adjourned meeting tomorrow night at the Town Hall, Mayor Robert King has announced. An overall cost-of-living wage increase In all departments of the village during the past year and the village' share of proposed sidewalk installation on Mulberry, Mechanic and Silver streets resulted in an increase in SDDro- was pronounced dead on ar Haines; two daughters, Miss Nancy and Miss Jane Anne: his rival at Miami Valley hospital. ices for Everett Overholser, 39, of The driver of the car, Gale Har- mother, Mrs. Vada Haines; and two Mis Kathleen and Frazier and Luther Fmler of Sidney; three 'sisters, Mrs. John Rose of HarriKon; Mrs.

Mike Stelnke of Sidney; Mr. Blaine leman, 21, of Gordon, told inves 3 South First street, who died in Miami Valley hospital Friday, will be held at the Gebhart and iterwrt. 14ao Wllmiln boulevtid, for tigatlng officers he was, blinded by approaching headlights and did Stlna M. Pettln. MU Ctrdlnll drive, M.

Schmidt funeral home at 1 m. Mr. Carlton Cozadd, of Warren. Dillon llollenbacher WAPAKONETA Funeral sew not see Burroughs until lt was too today with Rev. H.

Grady Shoff nnn nam- anarcM. Dnllv teed. 1711 Howell Ivehue. Lemuel Burw-wd tvenue. Andre Brown.

127 Smith t.uriinat afreet Heath of Qulncyi two brothers, Oscar DeVelbis of Harrison and Grant Young of Jackson Center. Funeral services will be held at 2:30 t. m. Wednesday at the late to avoid hitting him. ner officiating.

Friends may call Burroughs had been employed W. Sdnt, Rlverdall tvenut tnd North Main it reet at the funeral home after noon who solicits for the polio campaign "while he works," reported the bottom fell out of his box after $17.54 in small change "busted the seams." Warren Plans eek" LEBANON Plans are rapidly going forward for the annual Warren County Farm and Home week -to be held at Grange and Memorial halls here on Jan. 25-26 under the supervision of County and Home Agents' Berman Ross and Mary Wiseman. Hundred of farmer and homemakers are expected to attend the two-day sessions, Headlining the programs will be Roy Battles, WLW farm director; Elmer Kinkle, Cincinnati Producers, Ohio State Extension specialists; Jane Murphy, home economist; Ruth Mllllcan, home economist, and many others. Bethel Mission church at Sidney, as a machine operator for the past 18 years at the Inland Manufacturing company, Born In Dills- Ices for Dillon Hollenbacher, 46, who died Saturday at his home, 707 South Buchanan street from complications of diseases, will be held at 2 p.

m. tomorrow from St. Rev. Charlei Shle. officiating.

Sunday. Howard Evans ENGLEWOOD Funeral let-v boro, he lived In Dayton 27 Burial, Graeeland cemetery, Sidney. Friends may call at the Meyer and Boehmer funeral home years. jpriations for the village budget He was a member of the Webb Mark' Lutheran church with Rev. Harry Boyef of Jackson Center, ices for Howard Evans, retired Mrs, Mil for the ensuing year, dred Mengle, village clerk an- farmer, will be held at the residence here today at 2 p.

m. Burial Blue Lodge 24, Masonic order, Richmond, and a veteran of World War I. from 3 p. m. to 10 p.

tomorrow, Marie McCoy Smallnt Sweirlnien. 4 1 on Beat Third 84n? tlrlrh Mollle L. Aihnr, snyf Norm Main Itreet. vi.Jn.eBh t) is Shaw tvenut. Mvrtie Halvormn.

3 Henry Itrttt, n. Deereea'' Mm Hohert Pnttl Vt. Sylvia. Ne M. Merlcl vi.

Jamet Kdnt 1. Snwera vt, Richard Edward F. Shllt ti. Pauline. Walter Tebot vt, Mildred Amandi Haney vi.

Waller Marv LahdMl w. Kenneth Mlnnlt Kendrlct vi. Cltrenct. Smith tn, Bennett Tacuuelln Hatch vt. Harold 1, LHlle Wllaon vi.

Clay. Jtalherln H. McDowell VI. amuel S. Thomat J.

Brown vt. Lucille. County Court Cledl'h Johnson. 32, of 45 Calabria place. Jamea Edward Anderion Griffith.

82, of 2M Lafayette itreet. tnd Anntbellt Kertt, 87, of 437 Harriet itree; a Roybe C. Barntt. of 5tl West Third street, and Johnnie Sedbtrry, Si, of Ml Weit Third Itreet. Byrnn T.

Nledhither. S3j Mirley road, and Winifred G. Holzhauer, 21, of 355 Geneva road Robert W. Strlrkle, of 1M Naisau itreet. tnd Gltdyl Strickle, 48, of 2401 St.

Chtrlet avenue. RlcharS pall Slim, Jt, Conntret, llhd loaephln. B. Salts, 25, of 257 Wilt Herman tvenue, Olley J. Van Wlnklt J8, of 1324 McUIn itreet tnd Dolorn Schmleilng, .14, ol 922 Duatln tvenue.

Daily Fire Record t. itreet tnd Indlinoll ve. nue, ihort-clrcult In II ia wlilng of A car; S25 lusa. 2' 44 t. Horn vehu, imoktni coal alove: no lis.

nounced. will be in the Lower Stillwater assisted by Rev. Jacob Schick, conducting. Burial will be made in Greenlawn cemetery, Surviving are! widow, Hulda; mother, Mrs. Mallnda Hollenbacker, Wapak- Services for Marie McCoy, 69, Leglon Heart Adjutant MIAMISBURG -One hundred will be conducted at 10 a.

m. to' oneta R. two sons, Roger morrow at the Ullmer funeral Legionatres, representing Ohio's cemetery. Mr. Evans died Friday.

He leaves a son, Paul, Ludlow Falls; two daughters, Mrs. Hubert Mohler, Laura, and Mrs. Clarence Fenwlck, Englewood, and five grandchildren. Friends may call at the residence. and Ernest, at home; four daugh Survivors Include his wife, Ethel; two daughters, Mrs.

Stanley Strong of Columbus and Mrs. Howard E. Butler of Dayton, and two sisters, Mrs. Frd Brewster, Porterville, and Mrs. How-ard Thomas, Albuquerque, N.

Services Ret Thurtlny Services will be held at 2 n. m. Third district, were urged yes Civil Actional tl, Nurses Rp'elect Mn. Minnie Loxley si a. m.

inland Manuracturlnr enmnanv. ters, Ruby, Ruth, Marilyn and Rita, at home; five sisters, Mrs. Amanda Lunz, of Wapakoneta R. R. 2, Mrs.

Robert Skelly, or Lima, Mrs. Edison Schumann of Botkins, Mrs. Harold Staup of Akron, and Mrs. Walter Luns of Wapakoneta 5. and two brothers, Emil Shirley 4lt Watervilet avenue, combustion In newly-oruahed coat 12 640 for aervlcea and rent i In hooper; loaa undetermined.

at ihe Schlientz and BRADFORD Mis. Minnie Lox- tr i viw mi 4i line uvn- Moore funeral 16.12 Lewuton ro.d $3M'U "ot0f Earl l.eighly XENIA-Servlces will be con-ducted at the Nagley funeral home at 2 p. m. today for Earl Leighly, one-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs.

home, 3701 West Third street. Burial, Bear Creek. Friends may call at the funeral home after 3 m. today. She died Wednesday at Virginia Rest home, 4301 West Third street Paul Van Schie Services for Paul Van Schle, 61, of 912 Wellmier avenue, will be held at p.

m. tomorrow in the Tobias funeral home, 618 Water-vllet avenue. Burial, In Lebanon eemeterv. Mr. Van Schle, a resi avenue.

Burial will be at Wood- Ned "th hih.w h. ley, 70, of 308 Liberty street, died MarY liOmSan at 4 a. m. yesterday after an ill-1 ness of several years. Survivors PrCSldcilt are her husband, Sam; two sons, iana cemetery, rriends may cal Vote Cambria, tvenut, hot Cleo and Emerson; one daughter, Mary E.

Ilorrlgan, assistant director of nursing at St. Elizabeth hospital, yesterday was re-elected Leroy Leighly, 59 Orchard street, who died Saturday. Earl Keever MIDDLETOWN Funeral serv aiter p. m. Tnursday, Rhoades died Instantly, accord-InR to state highway patrolmen at Mlddletown, when his car went out of control while roundlnn a curve and struck a tree on State Route 723, 80 yards west of the Germantown corporation limits about midnight yesterday, His car's engine was torn from president of the Dayton Council of Hnllenbacker of Anna R.

R. 1, and William Hollenbacker of this city. Clenn Edgar Hon PIQUA Funeral services for Glenn Edgar Howe, 62, of Route 3, Covington road, will be held at 2 p. tomorrow at the Jamieson funeral home. Burial will be in Forest Hill cemetery, lie Is survived by his wife, Mrs.

Grace Howe; and two daughters, Mrs. Catholic Nurses. dent here 28 years, died it 7:53 a. m. Saturday in Miami Valley Mrs.

Wilma Ilerbst, Phtlllpsburg; two sisters, Florence Stocker and Mrs. Nora Wise, and four grandchildren. Services will be held "at 2 p. m. Wednesday at the Harris Creek church with Rev.

D. O. Berkevlle officlatlne. Burial. Har The election of orflceri was held at the annual business meeting and communion breakfast In the ices will be held at 9 a.

m. tomorrow in St. Johns for Earl Keever, 46, of 700 14th avenue, who died Saturday at Mlddletown New Blizzard Loses Its Punch But Midwest Gets Cold Wave ThSo weeks faded when It lost its punch a h. lay atwftrJ in Canada today, but the ice.acroM the Lakes region and jammed Missouri river flooded and, newest. farmers battled freezing tempera-1 The was spreading as far tures to move to higher ground.

SOut" Abilene, TCX. A mirl uavo uith ctirp In the fricid weather. Clvde hospital. He had been an Inspector at Frlgidatre for 24 years. le was a member of Conservancy the car and hurled S4 feet by the Miami hotel.

lodce 66L and AM. Reed conv hospital. He had been ill Sneaker at the meetint? was impact, the state patrolmen said, tnreejrls Creek cemetery. mandery, Kniphte Templar and weeks. Charles Lutes, of Piqua, and Mrs.

Thelma St Meyers; a sister, Mrs. Anne B. llouck, director of the Na-j He suffered fractures of the skull, tlonal Council of Catholic Nurses, chest, rlsht arm and both leps. Other officer elected were Mrs. He Is survived by his wife, Mrs.

John S. Jaeohi Attdreu) Ricker Mt. Moriah Chapter aJti, kam. Surviving are his wife, Jeanette, and a number of relatives In Liverpool, England, hla birthplace. Ijuira Rusnelt, of Piqua; and two hmthrra fcYanlt nf Pintl unit VANDALIA Funeral services Anna Zlmmermnn, vice president: Rhoades; four daughters, Harlev.

of California. I BELLE FONTAINE Funeral fnr Jnhn S. Jacnhs. RO. who died Msrcaret Itoelscher.

secretary, and Ev oti, Bonnie, Carol and and light show moved south across5 Jflmison fln(1 h'8 family moved i li 1.. TV services win oe neia ai i p. to-i -I rs. iwv s. treasurer.

Elected to the hoard nf director verna Rhoades Of Dayton, a Rest Home, Daylon, will be held brother, Lester, of Bradford, and for six-year terms were Sister at 2 p. m. tomorrow at the Mor tn 4 p. m. lontuuuw for Andrew Ricker, 55, of West Mansfield, who died Saturday morning at Mary Rutan hospital here.

He was admitted Friday evening after suffering a heart attack. I MiMlla, SPSF. director of mtrs-ton funeral home, Vandalia. Burial ln)ti gt Mhthpth hospital; Mrs. two sisters, Miss Pauline Rhoades and Mrs, Jean Noffslnger, of Frankfort, Mich.

Mary Westbrock and Mrs. Mar Roy Hunt TROY Services for Roy (Tony) Hunt, 908 Atlantic street, who died at 1:03 a. m. Saturday at his home, wilt be held today at the Shilling funeral home. Ourlal will be In Riverside cemetery.

Survivors are two daughters, Mrs. Pauline Parker, of Troy, and Miss Lillian Hunt of Pittsburgh, a son, Mri Sophia Stoeckleln Servlcei for Mia. Sophia Stoeckleln, 83, of 123 Heaton avenue, will be held at 8:30 a. tn. Wednesday in the Wtstbrock funeral home, 1712 Wayni avenue, and at 9 In Emmanuel church.

Burial, Calvary cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home after 8 p. tomorrow. Mrs. Stoeckleln, widow of the late Charles Stoeckleln, died at garet Khepper.

nun a rownnai mannea Dy tne Kea Oak, fire department. They were forced from their home when the Nishnabotna river overflowed its banks near Elliott, la, Walls of the farm house were collapsing al they left. The Nishnabotna flooded at th same time the Missouri river swelled behind a giant Ice Jam and overflowed at Wlnthrop, floodihg several homes and threat" ening farms in the lowlands on the west bank. Restaurant Fall Fatal To Patron; Riles Tomorrow Elmer Gailaher, 80, of 133 Eugene avenue, died at 11:20 a.m. Saturday at Miami Valley hos sister m.

Lucy, isr, surgical 1 supervisor at St. Elizabeth, and JOSClm A. LW SllCtll Prlanltla Ttomnfrt Urnr ai1iwtfti1 4a! will oe i'oiK urovt eemeiery. Rev, Robert Ryder will officiate. He is survived by a niece, Miss Geneva Cllver and a nephew, Ww ley Oliver, both of Cincinnati af rt tu rmma Curney Edivard Arbcgast BELLEFONTAINE Funeral four.far terms on the board.

1 A a TfpttflpnrP Kattiml in tuiruvaae lantti At ILS liCSIUCflCl. services will be held at 2 p. m. to Koseoe Roy Hunt, of Indianapolis, and three grandchildren. directors were Sister Remv.

edu. Services for Joseph K. Croghan, day at the Roundhead Methodist church for Gurney Edward Arbe-east, 71, of Arbetiast road, R. R. Lakeview, whd died Friday after GERMAiNTiJWN a jt caiionai director at tne uooa sa-i "inltal from a skull fmetur nr vim sniiin nnmnmprv At nearby Atchison, crewl Clay Asklns, 53, 70H Sixth avenue, marlban hospital school of nurs.

aaJaL. us. i i ji aim 111 strput an atrnnt 40 fprpd Wnen OWn a flight worked in the cold wind to sand. Helm Lou he Patterson WILMINGTON Funeral ser 10 p. m.

Saturday after a ahort illness. Born in Dayton, she was a member of the Altar society, Emmanuel church. Surviving are two sons, George Earl Bridgeport, three daughters, Mrs. Levalette Scott, Bernards, town. Mrs, Charles Mullln, years for the Western and tne Parl "es- bag the dikes.

Farmers wert Mlddletown, wni found fleatt In, Intr, and Mrs. Julia Gates. bed at 8:30 a. m. yesterday.

Itej' had suffered a heart attack. Mr.U noon In MeKitWk hospital, Kenton. He had been a heart patient evacuating livestock and their vices for Miss Helen Louise Pat em and Prudential firms, will urow" iw In the day, according to Coroner Aiikins waa ah adjustor for anJjOs IJIlUeitTmillCU held tomorrow. terson, 83, who died at 12:30 1. m.

yesterday, at the home of an aunt, A. McDonald. Mrs. IL 11. nates, 341 South South ror tnree weeks, Mri.

D. M. Paddock SlDNETf Funeral lervlees for Mrs. D. M.

Taddock, 76. widely street, will be held at 3 m. to Providence, R. and Mrs. Marie S.

Andrews; a slater, Mm. Carrie Hartman. Ft Wayne, Ind.i ft morrow at the Lukens-Reynolds automobile Insurance agency, He waa a mcmlwr of the Germantown Masonic lodge No. 257. He is survived by hia wife, Mrs.

Margaret Askins; a ion, Boyd, of German-town: a daughter, Mri. Agnes Hamm, of Cantonrment, and two erandchildi-en. Services will be held at the John Arpp funeral household goods to higher ground. The river stood at 23 feet, flva above flood Itage. Farther west in Utahregional Supervisor Hugh M.

Bryan of tha Federal Bureau of Land manage ment said 1,000,000 head of live stock on Utah range would starve to death this winter because huge rotary snowplows had not been used to keep roads open to ikl resorts. funeral home. Burial will be in Blanchester I OOF cemetery. She A worker at the restaurant said he understood Gailaher tried to enter by a rear door and opened the door to the cellar. The restaurant had not yet opened for the day, ht explained.

He was a member of the Fraternal Order of Eagles. Survivors Include two dauchters. Mrs. known resident, Who died Friday niht after a five-month Illness, Services will be at 8:30 m. in the Luthman funeral home, 364 Xenia avenue, and at 9 a.

m. in Holy Trinity church. Burial will be In Memorial Park. Frlendi may call at the funeral home after 2 p. m.

today. Born in Lexington, Mr. Croghan had lived here two years. He died at 10:30 a. m.

Saturday In his residence. At Linden Tool Fire department inspectorl to day were continuing Investiga tltms of a blare Saturday night which caused an estimated "several thousand dollars worth of damage" at the Linden Tool and Manufacturing company, 3821 Unden avenue. They will seek the cause of brother, John Englert, rt Wayne; IX grandchildren, and two great grandchildren. Mn. Lucille Taylor will be held at 2 p.

m. today at First Methodist church. Dr. Wai- is survived by her mother, Mrs. Lou fclma Patterson, Mri.

Maggie Ainsuorth ier R. Dickhaut, pastor, will ...111 l.M. tH g'-Am Sen'ices for Mrs. Lucille Taylor, B. F.

Shain, with whom he lived. i iiui iai niu uv vnai i una NEW WT.STON-Mra. Maggie cemetery. Bryan charged that the big MOttll I'lliUKI-u -M At 1C1 1 tlma iii.hiia Hill ttm Mr, Myrtle X. Scutlder Surviving are five daughters hotuhlpiowa had been diverted from uate, a son, Harold: aithi- rr tn truck Ilia tlt'at fiit mitlifxt lit that hnilitr Mil.

Maraarot Ritwr Mrt. Kllpn PIQUA Funeral son Ices for i I held at 2 p. m. tomorrow In the Allen AME church. Burial.

Green! Alnsworlh. Jrlilay at rsstle ccmeter, Friends may call er on R. R. 1 r.iHr. 4 m.

in.Wfstoit after a sliot Illness. She Edith Reynolds M. a. nu.m T-Vlh m. hv Trtianh Tiiilnr Mri Wlnlfivrt KoriMiann.

I orO' "Cr, Will; live El'Snut'lllltll'PM faari rMl IMin thnon nn 4hB ii.iis, i.iiur iiminr v. fiarij AftCANl'M-Fldlth Reynolds, leaves three datinhters, Mis. Amy, lifelong resilient of Arcanum un a lo died Saturday at the Johnson Applegaie, part-time jig iara Knotn ami mm. tvatn- range, -t nursing home, Troy, will be held etntiloje of the firm. rvn Dell Aria: two sons, Charles vl'rs bf 1:50 m.

tomorrow at the 3. C. Flames, rating upwards rapidly and Joseph Alamagorda, P. m. Tuesday at the Schliont r- dy.

Mrs. Taylor died at 7:30 f. Friday In Miami Valley hospital. paiir, ot Arcanum, fliis. twin a til sue moved to Columbus 10 at 3 0 at 3 p.

and Moore funeral home ht 1(532 N. M. Sons funeral home, i In the two-story frame and brick Schot New Weston, and Imogene, years ago, died at tha latter city Cron and Wayne avenue, Friends mav nil Also two listers, Mil. Mayme Dwyer and Catherine Croghan, Alnsworth, lndianaixilis; fourjSaturday morning. Quriat will be In Forest Hill cemej structure, were put out only after grandchildren! two great-grand- Surviving are two sisters, Mrs.

tery, She is survived by a ion, two extra pumper engines were at the funeral home after 4 p. m.l ti ae 1 Lexington; three brothers, William children: two brother! and twoiNcll Ketch and Mri. Maude Tay-, Robert E. Scudder and was Catharine Vnverferth Catharine Unverferth, 73, of Glandorf, died at 11:30 a. m.

yesterday at the home of her dauthter, Mrt, Margaret Ebbs, toosy. The Fraternal Order of Eagles hold icrvicci at 70 p. m. lodnyi and Owen, Lexington, and Frank; lt grandchildren and A An official damage estimate will be released after tha in-vestlsatlona art eompltled. sisters.

Friends may call at the lor, both of Columbus, and a widow of the late Oscar Scudder, residenre. Services will he held D. A. Reynold of yar upcrlntendent of mall at ,9 a. tn, today In St, 1.

The Journal Herald from Dayton, Ohio (2024)


Where is the Dayton Daily newspaper printed? ›

The Dayton Daily News (DDN) is a daily newspaper published in Dayton, Ohio.

Who is the publisher of Dayton Daily News? ›

We have been the source of trusted local news for 125 years, and our mission is to keep serving the region long into the future. Suzanne Klopfenstein is the Dayton Daily News Publisher.

What is the largest daily newspaper in the US? ›

News Corp's business-focused The Wall Street Journal (555,182) and The New York Times (267,639) remain the biggest dailies in the US, although their print circulations fell by 14% and 13% year-on-year respectively.

How much is a subscription to the Dayton Daily News? ›

SUBSCRIBE TODAY! For the first year. Renews at $110/year.

Who owns Channel 7 Dayton Ohio? ›

Cox Media Group

When did the Dayton Daily News start? ›

What company is in the old Dayton Daily News building? ›

FRANKLIN, OHIO — Modula, an Italian company that manufactures automated storage systems, has purchased the former Dayton Daily News building in Franklin along I-75.

Where is the daily record printed? ›

The Daily Record is a Scottish national tabloid newspaper based in Glasgow. The newspaper is published Monday–Saturday and its website is updated on an hourly basis, seven days a week.

Where is the Daily Mail newspaper located? ›

Daily Mail
Daily Mail front page on 11 July 2021
TypeDaily newspaper
Political alignmentRight-wing
HeadquartersNorthcliffe House 2 Derry Street London W8 5TT
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What is the circulation of the Dayton Daily News? ›

Circulation. As of 2016, the Dayton Daily News had a daily circulation of 93,425 copies.

Where is the Times newspaper published? ›

The Times, daily newspaper published in London, one of Britain's oldest and most influential newspapers. It is generally accounted, with The Guardian and The Daily Telegraph, one of Britain's “big three” and has long been recognized as one of the world's greatest newspapers.


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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.