Springfield News-Sun from Springfield, Ohio (2024)

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THE SPRINGFIELD DAILY NEWS MONDAY JULY 9 1923 12 FIRPO-WILLARD BOUT HAS INTERNATIONAL I Both Boxers are Real Giants of the Fistic Game New York Giants are on the 'and could hove boon dee Wed way be up there fighting them yet Mark my word net pr dieting a pennant but I ds say ths Athletics have as mush shancs as any ether team We have had eur bed streaks si ones I yesterday wiped them all eut ef sur system fa right along plug' ging until October deing the be sen" Gene Tunney Insists that ha1 Athletics Make Hits Count and Defeat Vardens Athletics made thslr hits count and triumphed over tha Dol ly Vardena of Cincinnati In the baseball gam played at Eagle field unday afternoon by a score of I to outhlt TINGE ft The locals were seven te thirteen but Southpaw Skillings tightened In the pinches and kept the Cand (makers away from tha plSt The Athletic got sway lx the lead In the first Inning and kept Increasing It to the finish by taking advantage of every opportunity which presented Itself to acore Twice during the game they pot re a double steal successfully While outhlt the Athletics outshone the Yardene In the field and they ralllsd to the support ef Shillings time after time when the vial-tors threatened te stays a rally The Dolly Yardene boasted ef a clean slate no far this season when they came here but they returned home with It badly cracked Flannery wan th4 hitting star of tha local getting two doublet and a single Helabaugh swatted a triple Them were "the only extra ftas blow Bcore by Innings: HHiE Dolly Vardena 1M 1M 11 1 a -Ath 201 004 I Batteries: Dannahanar and Keif-el (fellings and Rapp ran and it begins to look like they Are not going to repeat unless Mcraw gets his machine working better before the present series with the 1 western teams in ended The Reds have stopped the league leaders twice in a row and the Giants lead has been cut to 2V4 games Five' teems in the National league are still playing better than fifty-fifty ball but right now it looks like thex Pirates and the Reda have an excellent chance of beating out the champions for the simple reason that the' Giants BYROBERT EDGRCN NEW YORK July Tha Firpo-Willord battle" at Bojrlet Thirty Acre will be the biggeet boxing event aince D4mp-aey met Carpentier at the aame arena Like the Dempiey Carpentier fight it haa an international feature Firpo being from the Argentine -While it isn't for a ehampicftuhip it promiaea to be a more interesting fight than between Dempaey and Gibbon at Shelby last week Firpo and Willard are the two biggest men that ever fought Willard 6 feet 7 and now weigh ing 233 pounds stripped is the greatest giant among the champions since Freeman went from America to England a hundred years ago and slipped the British title holder FVeeman was 6 feet and 10 indies talL Firpo Is another real slant Ho Is I foot IH Inohos tall In his bars foot Ho weighs 14 pound! In fighting trim Hln monsuromontn show an oven and muaoular dovolopmont In all tho taMas of maaouramonts Ivan out bleeps is pat down as lift miss print Hie VVH uu ft Fiiywa Him gw Iwe so fg BY SANBORN CHICAGO July In parallel columns of the piper appeared two email items which were significant because of their contrast and their justaposition 1 One of them told of the return to hig office of President Mathewion of the Boston Braves after a fortnight in the Admin- docks The other said the Nogales team of Sonora Hexieo had signed is manager Hal Chase major league star" The contrast win striking One of them wag 'honored in a position close to the top of his profession the other vu eloea to the jumping-off place Yet it was only a comparatively few years ago that these two gtori were teammates with equal op-portunities to win fame and esteem- Net that ChaM ever attained the exalted position en the diamond that wm occupied by Christy Mathawson when both ware active It was own fault however that ha dose not stand out ow pre-eminent among the tint baMmen of the past aa Big Six does among the pitcher -The ferunr had ae much natural ability' and aklll a ths latter Chaos had all the braing necessary to develop and use hi ability to tho limit Otherwise they were exact opposite Motbewoon gave bin beet si- -ways to his team hi manager and to tho game Chao worked always for himself and hi own financial benefit a -written contract wa a scrap of paper If ho could better himself and hla friend ware the wrong kind of banker That In why wo find one of them at tha top and tha other at the bottom of the baseball ladder In their middle ag' if there 'a aounA sermon In that for the new'ganeration ef baseball players and the budding future great we hav another gum It le unfortunate In a way that Is tha bolder of tha American light 'heavyweight boxing plonshlp despite Mike claim that bo won the American title whan bees ms world 'champion Hero Is how Tunney pula It: "How could I lose tho title without being of sated MeTIguo is Just a tacky follow Ho happened to bs on ths ground and got tho first crack at BIkL who probably doaa not know how to fight HcTlguo la ns batter than ha ever was I saw hla bout with Loughran In Philadelphia-Lough ran boat him all tha way Even In tho last two round which wars credited to McTigu' Loughran bold bis own Mo- Tlgue rosily doss not elaeo with Gibbons Grab or myself Hs had every opportunity to coma In whan wo ware fighting lit out fbr 4 tho Mtl Grab boat Gibbon I boat Lev In sky Oreb bast mb and than I beat Grab McTigu eoald have joined I but he knew he did not batons Mow ho has tha gall to elaim my tltlo although ho la afraid to fight mo for It I think a match between us would' draw wall enough If tha prices were kept 1 down In my matches the promoter should nover charge more than IS tap But I would 1 bo erasy to give McTigu 111- 404 It Is doubtful whether the match would draw that 1 much this summer with so many other big attractions being held Besides McTIgus Is no card Hs and Jeff Smith did not do so wall when they fought In Madison Square Gardes Maw York Tho receipts wore tho lowsst of any show that season Those high prices arc all wrong Tho fens pay than and I Mama' them Dempsey and Kearns are doing boxing a world of harm with their ex- orMtent demand Those two are a disgrace to tha sport The beet thing that could happen to boxing would be for Dempsey to' lose the till but how mu ha do that with his own private referee In 5 upper arm Is fully three inches bigger than that His qply abnormal- have only 24 more games to play with the three other eastern teams Of this number 12 are booked for the' polo grounds and 9 in the other three cities The Reds have an excellent chanee to move up into second place thin week unless the Pirates are able to keep up their winning streak at the expense of tho Giants while the Reda are entertaining the lowly Phil lie The Reda are juat two games behind the Pirates and the flag race promises to remain interesting for some time Tha Gtanta'will be fighting to retain first place in the series with tha Firates'and they will have to get bettor than an even break' to strengthen their hold at tha top of the pennant ladr der The Yanks leaders in the American league hare won two out of three games sines they started their invasion of the west and the chances seem bright for them to bars another host successful road trip They have a commanding lead and will have to slump terribly to be displaced before they return home The Indians have climbed into second place since they returned to their own stamping ground and they are tha only other team which hsva won a majority of their games in this circuit The Athletics are hack to tha 500 per cent mark and the other five clubs are below it measurement la hts ranch from finger tips to flnser tips arms extended which la 11 Inches or ft Inches more than his hslsht vr't-r- Ths Ms seech Is a flshtlns asset for Firpo' Willard with 14 Inches has a reach also I Inches more than hie hslsht of tho eld photographs of Borne Firpo taken when he first came this country show him thick waist sd and awkward in pose But ths hi one from Argentine ewk word today Much of hard training haa thinned his weight which hss taken the fat from his arm a' and thigh and giving him arses add swiftness In movement that makes him look like ablg Jack Dempsey Firpo In his early fights had nothing hot strength end dstermin alion Today under Jimmie Da Forest's coaching ho has become fairly good boxer Instead of using hi right arm like elub he drives his punches straight He had no loft hand punch end now uses tho loft -wall It will taka another year of training to develop rirpo'a left until he can use affectively as Jack Dempaay doe Dut even today his left 1 eenX bo overlooked Jack MoAuHffe who knocked ont by Firpo in three rounds at tho Hay is show and who has recently been boxing with him In training says that Fb-po has mora speed than hie right that ft In harder to get away from On of the Interesting features of coming battle le re newed confidence In the early rounds with Johnson the big fellow found himself Until ha had taken everything that Johnson could get without weakening he actually know bow much fighting hs had left But when ha had aaalmllatad left punches was not hurt for day ha ha was aU right Tbs crowd soo confidence got back as bs took tho sssrosatvo He hss felt ths great power la tha punch ami short hooks taught him by kFbml Hs thinks that with his new stylo of hitting ho could atop Brennan In throe or four rounds Instead of 11 as ha dld whoa hs used his right Ilk a club eave-i style There Is something about the spectacle of two man ns huge and well trained no Willard and Firpo that makes ths contest attractive There la no danger that either will be hurt even if there Is a knockout It would -bo impossible to find two man hotter fit to glvo and taka punch I ded't believe Willard Is ns -old ns popular report would have It He dolma hs la only IS and that according to recoil set Ions of Willard I In hla lint ring appearance In Mow Toil Is not for from right Ha woe on overgrown awkward honor whan ha reached tho big city A noise looking for fights In whlcti' to work his way up to contest with Jock Johnson Ho does not carry himself Ilka a man over 40 and although ho as quick and agile aa In ths fight nt Havana In 1111 hs takes and delivers punches too wall to have felt age creeping on Whatever Willard may have lost since tho Havana fight can be accounted for by his easy Ufa after becoming champion AML he cut out the easy Uie In locust after being whipped by Dempsey at Toledo II te a tougher bird today than ho was In Ifll It 1 not a Katheweoa Instead of a Chase whs win hav a buidlng hand In tho dovolopmont of the na- tlonal pastime In old Mexico Visitor to the revolution torn republic to the south1 of have been amaaad by the recent stride base-ball haa mads thar and by tho enthusiasm of the native for 1L Sportsmen from tha United Btetoc hav found a warm welcome below tha Rio Grand In recognition of tho official courtesy shewn him on a hunting trip and fo help in the development of baseball there President Johnoon of the American leagu recently presented te the Mexloan government a handsome and costly trophy to be awarded officially annual prlx for tha champion team of Mexico -'But If the Mexloan ore to learn their groundwork In baseball from (Miner major laaguo atari who have ham discredited or barred from organised baseball 1 In tho state they may acquire the wrong angle it haa boon noted that the -average alien In learning the 1 Yankee language aoqulrae first and moat easily vocabulary ef our bum ward It might be better for baseball' If eur sou there neigh-bore learned It from the sporting Instead of from the financial an- gl It would ''ho unfortunate If the outcasts ef tho former White Box -stellar aggregation should gravitate toward Mexico In aaaMluof easy money 1 an kindergarten diamond Instructor Th ambitious youngster ef that country new hove as their ideal typified by the bronae figures on the Bon Johnson trophy two great and highly honored players In George later and 1 Ray Be hoik But them brenm fig-urea talk and tha men whi teach the Mexicans hose ball will hav to It might bo unwise to attempt te exercise the authority of organ-laod'hamball to th extent of bar- -ring Cham and th eo-calted "Black from Mexican teem Our southern neighbors or sensitive to 1 -Anything that might savor of alien- interference with their gome But It la worth white for th man mmt Interested la our own pea-time to adrlm th Mexican where they may find veteran players vrha would not acorn "living for teaching the 1 young Mexican how to bat or pitch and at tho mo time Inculcate th Idsks-of -square sportsmanship and honest 1 competition 1 There are 'such old-time players who need tho money and who once 1 ware a femou although not a notorlou ae Hal Cham at oL CRACKSMEN TOILED DAYTON July Cracksmen made an unsuccessful attempt to drill open a safe at th fl Bal Co here teat night A cash reg-later wee smashed and a email amount of money In It token' Felice -say entrance was gained through a skylight Tildeii to Play In First Match INDIANAPOLIS Ind July ft thirteenth annual elay court tennla championship will begin today an tho courts ef the Woodstock Country elub William Tilden of Philadelphia prwoent slay court titlehoidar will play the first match with Claude Wstkln of Lanier! I Ky at 2 Johnny Henna easy of Indie-napoll western champion will moot Theodor Eggman of Bt Loula at the earn tim Tho fevered players are Til-den Hennessey Manuel Alena ranking player ef the Ipanleh Davie cup teem) Wallese Johnson of Marion Pa ranking number five In tha United St tsa Robert Kinsey ef Sen Frwneleee and hla brother Howard Klnseyi Walter Weabreek ef Detroit and Kirk Reid of Cleveland Manuel Alonzo is First European to Vanquish Tilden CHICAGO: July I (Manual Alonso of Bpeta defeated WlHiam Tilden IX af Philadelphia l-ft ll-lft f-1 far the Illnols state open tennl title on tha hard courts at Skokia Country club yesterday thorofry becoming- tha first European to vanquish tho American tannin champion and tho fifth pareoo to achieve that honor since ltlT whan Tilden first broke fete the Mmollght' play lacked Its mul edgr After tha match Tilden declared hi racquet hand was "pretty near Alonso1 play wo marvelou Ho covered the back court Ilk a flash and a number of times was able to jockey Tilden out ef position and pees him -flat footed- Ha aced 'Tlklen Mvorol time AMERICAN LEAGUE AT RHB Boston AM 141 II i Cleveland MO 071 It Batteries: Farguaon Quinn Ehmk Fullerton and Plelnleh Shout Bedgood Metevler and O'MellL1 AT RHE Philadelphia 000 HO Til I Detroit 110 000 lit Batter! re: Harris Rommel and Pprkln Bruggy Holloway Johnson Francis Daura and Bmeslsr Woodall i AT HH Washington 1M 001 III Chicago 1M 001 4 I I Batteries: Johneoo and Rusl: Robert eon and Bphalk AT RT RHE Mow York III 100 0 11 I Bt Louie OM 000 4 0 I Batteries: Bush Jones and Hofmann Pruett Dsn forth Bayn Root end Severeld XENIA BOYS WIN i Boxing Hnnere Conferred At Day- ten Scout Camp XENIA July Two ken la boys have wen boxing honori at the Dayton Bey Scout reservation Max Marshall son of Attorney Marshall ha been pronounced heavyweight champion of the camp after having hasten Harry Decker Bob Adair bob of Charles Adair haa been announced an featherweight champion- not having challenged after en doelelve fight a It left and this over stuff and knew 'could ting and beat Johnson down Siot her thing that shows Wll lard's eonfldancs Is ths way ha jumped at a chanen to fight firpo hafnro getting tho long desired chance to fight a return match with Dampesy He didn't even demand guarantee being satisfied to tabs a fair percentage When he wee champion Willard was ths toughest man In ths world to sign up Ha wanted aU the cash' the promoter would glvo and than him up for few thousand more Rickard offered him forty thousand dollars for no-dset slon bout with Frank Horan Willard haggted oref jlerma until ha mads Rickard pay him At Toledo Willard do manded and got I100M0 which was tha biggest amount ever paid a fighter and within a thousand dollars of tho pure paid to both Jefferies and Johnson tho recon' pure up to that data Willard says ho ear any thing about guarantees now It la on attitude that- haa added greatly to hie popularity In tho money' grabbing gams It'e a good bual-- ness for tho public approclaton tho aU too rare portemanahlp of It and tha gates will be bigger than It might he If there was talk of a Ms guarantee pure The fight fane are alek of hearing about big guarantees and busted promoters Firpo was willing to fight Willard before meeting Dempsey be- cause he trusts to judgment Jimmie thinks ovary con- test will Improve fighting ability and hs advises ths wild bull to land aa much as ha can before tarkllng ae wlley a champion Jack Dempaey At the aame time Firpo believes that he will beat Willard and then beet Dempsey MIGHTY GOOD Purring sweetly like our catg Hills just like as if flat Distance nothing a illy ass Fills not his tank with our qsted Gas 600 TESTED i i feeiKtfH John McGovern vie president of tho American Olympic commit! has mlted for Paris to complete or rangsmonte for tho Yafe-Harvard track team which will go to Franco after competing against ths Oxford -Cambridge team and also to arrange tor housing ths American athletes who will compete in the Olympiad in Paris next year EARNED RUNS 1 kmtsssas Luqne dld tho pitching and tha Rods handed tho Giants Uialr boo end defeat of tho series at tho Now Tork polo grounds Sunday Tha Cleveland Indians kapt up their heavy hitting and mads It four In a row from tha Rod Box Detroit Tigers hod the Athletics beaten with two out In tho ninth then Rlgnejr booted an easy ehanc three two slngfee and followed accounting for two run and the Hackman won out 'S' I' i 'ifo i Pitcher-Clyde ''Barfoot starting hla first gams of tho soaaon for tho Card bald the Dodger to sight hits and blankad them 7 Pitcher Charley Robertson of tho White Sox celebrated hla reinstatement by booting Waller John-of Washington In a tight twirling dual Bt Louis Browns used four pitcher but could not stave off defeat and tho Yanks mad It two out of thru on tho eerie Caveney and Bums put tha Rads In the lead Jn tha eooond with homer which accounted for thro run and Fonseca clinched the gome In the eighth with another 4-ply shot Indians and Rad Box made II hits tach and they were good for total of 14 base There were ten double thru triples and a homer among thorn Bumma swatted the home run and he also cut In with a doubl Haney ef the Tigers thumped a hom*o run off Harris of tho Athletic tha first time he stepped to tho plot WhH8ox mode only five hlta off Walter Johnson hut they equated for four run and they wars enough to win Babe Ruth vu an saiy victim for tho aouthpawa of tha Brown getting only ona single four times at bat Torpomr was tha batting star for tha Card Ha drove In two runs and scored ona hlmatlL MOXOM Jimmy Caveney had a giwat day with tha ash getting a hom*or and two double Outfielder Collins of the Bed Box wm bit by a pitch ball by Uhls and It ta hln wrist wm broken Whiter Johnson did not have hlg usual control hitting three of tho White Box Bt Loula Browns drove Bush of tho Yanks off the rubber In tho ninth but Bam Jones stopped tha rally and saved the day Bt Paul beat the Columbus Senators In game featured by flvq home run rhlt by Dreeaen Gon sale Morrison Faakert Baird Toledo Mudhens and Minneapolis split's double-header Bix homers were made in the two game Terry and Eaat registered tw each and Lamar and Bedient made tho other two Extra base hits helped Xaaeaa City win both onds ef a twin bill from India ns poll Milwaukee won two from Louie Till due to tho excellent pitching of Lindsey and Keefe WOLVERINES WIN Flaying a good brand of boll tho Wolvarlneo humbled the Tremont fraetfcall team at Tremont Sunday afternoon by a or or of to ft Tho game was a thriller all Ihg way especially in the first Inning when the count stood knotted nt on IL Bunion pitched his first game for the Wolverines and held the Tre-montera In check allowing them but six hits during the entire fray Although he struck eut but four bat ter ho had tho re mooters batting little pop files that were may picking for the fielder Omistock also pitched a good gam but errors by hla teammates proved cMtly II struck out eleven men Tlmons of tho Wolverines was the hitting star of tho gam connecting with a triple and three etnglea In five times up Bob Calllion of the winners clouted out a triple and a pair ef singles ta flee trips to the plat Honour of tho Tremont team hit for a trip around tho hog Score by Inning: RHE Wolverine M0 Ml 11 ft Tremont gift ft Buxton aad Bayder Comstock and Fisher Hqw They Stand NATIONAL LEAGUE SUNDAY'S RESULTS' Cincinnati ft New York ft- Bt Louis 4 Brooklyn I GAMES Cincinnati at Philadelphia Pittsburgh at New York Chicago at Brooklyn Bt Loula at Beaten LEAGUE STANDING Club Won Mew Yoric '4S Pittsburgh 44 Cincinnati 4S Brooklyn 17 Chicago 10 Bt Loula b14 Boston 21 Philadelphia II Pet Ill All MO All A10 AT4 J10 All AMERICAN LEAGUE RESULT! Cleveland 1ft Beaton If -Philadelphia 7 Detroit Mew York ft Bt Louis 4 1 -Chicago 4 Washington GAMES Philadelphia at Cleveland Boston at Detroit New York at Chicago Washington at St Loul LEAGUE Club STANDING: 1 Won Lost Pet All AIT A00 41 AM ATI A44 All AMERICAN ASSOCIATION RESULTS St Paul 11 Columtrax I Minneapolis 1-4 Toledo t-ft Kan ass City ll-lft jndlanapollx Milwaukee 4-4 LoulevUle l-L GAMES Columbus at 8t Paul Toledo at Mlmwapoll Louisville at Mllwauka Indlaqapolla nt Kanaat City EAGUE' STANDING Cl Won Lost Pet St 1 1 44 IS Atl Kanins City 41 IS Atl Louisville 40 Columbus AM MUwnukM IS 40 AIT Indianapolis IS 41 A4I Minneapolis SO 41 All Toledo IT' 41 AM Pacing Stake Will Feature Opening Card lOlEQp' a July I Over a lightning feat track and with conditions ideal for the sport grand circuit racing will open at the Fort Miami track this afternoon More than 4M hone tha stars of the trotting and pacing world are as-eembled here awaiting the word that will start them on their way Five days ef racing have been arranged with Saturday reserved for postponements There will be stake events featuring sack program Five races are down for decision thle afternoon the restore event) being tha 1:04 pace the Fort Meigs take which wlUbe raced In two division officials having added a puree ef 11000 for the extra division The class races will ha the tret tho pace and the 1:11 trot the latter having been divided and the first division to nee today with tho other Tuesday Guardian Trust will be started to lower hie record of l-ft Two yean ago ho won tha Matron etak which was contested here Bogart Co 120 Eaat Main Street SoringfieW Ohio Distributors of Bayuk Products i 1 1 Pitching records In organised baseball often are misleading ee-eerdlng te B' Hanna New York baseball expert whs Mysi "Pitching record In majer leagues minor league te far that matte the aa largoly ferclesl that in ths matter ef telling Ip story it is about fifty-fifty whether they ars worth taking seriously net They are intereating that much may be Mid about them but they would be mueh mere en if they often and be misleading until a better system than -ths praaant ens Is found fur recording wine and lease You see pits here up at tho tap with a percentage of 1000 for games wo yet In reality thM self same pitchers may be unabte ta finish at least half of ths game Somebody sis geM in and finishes them and mvm the gam and If ths first pitcher's team happened be In tha feed he pete redit for the victory In tha csss of ths good pile hors ths Luquo-Alexander MoQuillan'Buth Rom mell-Ehmk typ tha records give Mine rslieMs Indieatloni but by and 'rg tho prsMnt system is all wrong Just as wrong as not giving a MerifiM hit tn batter whs ad vsncM a runnsr with a fly ball as batter It glvnn oredit for a atari-flea when a ball bring In a run" FISTIC CARD ON FOR THIS WEEK MONDAY JULY ft At Billy Ryan Spark i At Boston Tommy Mm Henry Ford At Momphl Tonne-Johnny Shay "Soldier" Buck At Mew York Harryl Oulfund "Italian Dempaey At New Pal Reed Tom' my Robson At Now OrlMn La Eddl Me-Kenna seal" ColtettL At Scranton Benny Vafger Jimmy Goodrich -At Philadelphia Benny 1 Leonard Alex Hart At Philadelphia Joa Lynch Bobby Wolgaat TUESDAY JULY 101 At Mow Danny Edwardi Frankie Jerom At Lancaster Detmont ve Stay WEDNESDAY JULY 11 At 1 Elmwood "Battl-Ax" Thornton Randolph At Youngstown Joa Lohmon "Wild Reid THURSDAY JULY 11 At Jersey City Jess Willie rd Luis Firpo At Jersey Floyd Johnson Jack McAuUffe At Jeney Herman Cliff Kramer -At Ft Them Xy--Johnny Mack Steven FRIDAY JULY 1L At Eri Joa Lynch Patcy Johnson At Freeport Willie Jackson Johnny Brown NATIONAL LEAGUE AT NEW R1L Cincinnati 00 000 i Now Tork 010 001 7 0 Batteries: Luque and Hargrave Scott Joanard Hyaa and Snyder Two base hit Dunce Caveney 1 Burn Yeung three bee hit Jackson hom*o run Caveney Burn Kelly Foqpoca AT RH Bt Louis 00 1 000 4 IS I Brooklyn 000 000 0 Batteries: Barfoot and Alnsmlth Grimes and Taylor Other League Results INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Ruffe lo Reading A Newark ft Rochester ft Jersey-City It Bynicuae ft SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION Mobil ft Now Orleans I Memphis ft Xoohvllte ft Alibis of tbs' flstls expert who predieted Champion Jack Dempsey would moke quick work of Tommy Gibbon are about In and soma of thorn are In tercet Ing On of thorn tIU Instate tho tltlo holder could have knocked out tha challenger but Jack Kearn' his manager would not lot him Others elaim Dempsey lost hie puneh his timing his apesd and that hs Is slipping Tho truth of tha matter 1 that Dempaey Is just as feat today ao whan ho boat Willard and ha till has tha punch Dempsey looked fast In tho Toledo battle -btcauio wsi pitted agalnot about tho slowoet moving object over toon In a prise ring At Bhslbr hs was opposed by a boxer7 who was much faster than himself and naturally ha looked alow 1 Harry Oreb made Olbbona look shout as slow as Tommy made Jack appear As to punching ability tha champion was aiming at practically a stationary 1 target in tho Toledo ring wbll at Hholby ho was swinging at an sluslva ona that accounts for his failure to put over a kayo Dempsey can boat all of tho giants unless It Is WIHs and Firpo and do It easily Ths chances are ths man who will -dethrone the champion will bo on on the type of Gibbon but more rusted The alibis of same i ef tho experts follow: i Henry Farrell United Press marksmanship Is off and his Mows ooom to lack tho old- time power he displayed against Robert Edgren "Evening It seemed sometimes that Dempaey had loot tho power of hlo Igo Mow York "The champlo to toll tha truth about tho matter was not quit up to tha Dempsey braiM He woe a trifle short with hla Damon Runyon Mew York had aU of hla -old time form but ho wasn't tho fighter that boat down the giant Willard at Toledo" Grantland Rlc Mow York "Tribune" vital spark hasn't been killed but Its one mighty flam has been Melghsn New York "The inference now must be that Dempaey la going back" Manager Connte Mack af tho Athletic Is still confident that hlo team is going to be a contender for the pennant and ha rnakea na attempt te alibi tha slump it has experienced recently After the Vanke had handed the Mack men four straight defeats the leader of tha Athlatiss Midi "My team haa run Inta asms tough task late I have the greatest eenfidena in my team I tarn ember the aid chemoienship nines we bed often endured slumps liks thi and then flashed through I have Sed bunch ef hoy strict trainer and nxsellant team spirit "I am not trying te alibi any defeat The Yankees are mere powerful and mere experienced Beside had Mill Hauser and Naylor out That mako quits a difference when finds that Millar and Hauser nr eur leading hatters and Naylor tha bast pitch wee tough hod ta fee the Yanks in this condition But Ke pert ef the gam At feast two of ths Yankee tilt the first and see- Does It Fit? You know that la el way tha Important question -Mow look here: wo are net going to argue the question so to whor* your suit waa made tt It fit you bring tt bar and wa will correct any defect Open every evening until Sparks and Flecker Makers and Corrector Dyers aad Cleaner IS Bo Center Street I MARGIN IS CUT TO TWO AND HALF GAMES MBW VOIUC JljJy Wkh their lead In the Motional longue cut to I he narrow margin of twd and half game the Giants today opened what promises to lw their surreal fight to resist tho Invasion of western club Tho world's champions their second conoorutiva gams to Cincinnati yesterday 1 i lo 1 Bt ImI ploying Brooklyn strength' sited the position of tha Invader fry taking tha measure of tho Robin 4 to Tho other clubs in tha loaguo were Idl In the American leagu where tha Yankees continue the work ol Increasing their load victories were divide! among tho eastern and western teams While Kew York defeated BL Louie I to 4 and Philadelphia triumphed ever Detroit lo ft Cleveland woo beating Ruaten II to 10 and Chicago trounced Washington 4 ta I Benny Leonard and Joe Lynch Will he Stars PHILADELPHIA July Two champion boxers ora scheduled to appear hero tonight at tho Philadelphia National league baseball park In eight-round no-d eel si on bout Bonny Leonard lightweight champion will moot Alex Hart of Cleveland and Joe Lynch bantam king will box Bobby Wolgxst of Atlantic City Leonard who arrived hors last night and proclaimed himself In excellent conditio has had two weeks of hard training In tha Cntoklll mountain Hart also said ho was In flno trim Wolsnst In mooting Joe Lynch te boxing a champion for tho third conoerutlvo time having fought Pane ho Villa and Frankie Gonaro 'in Mo last two bout NO-HIT GAME PITCHED Pitcher Haddix or tha Medway Cnllexlane la claimed te have twirled hla second no-hlt game of tho season Sunday afternoon agalnot the I Troy Hobart In a gam played st Tecumeeh park the Collegians winning II to Tho game was close until ths seventh when tho Coltogi-'ana mad four runs and followed It by srorlng six more In tho next i round I'hrlg of tha winners hit flvo Batteries: Hobene.

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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

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Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.